Commercial vehicle weight concept

A. ULW- Unladen Weight

Q. What is unladen weight (ULW) ?

A. ULW stands for unladen weight. It is the weight of a vehicle when it's not carrying any passenger, goods, or any other item. ULW is inclusive of chassis weight, cabin weight & load body/trailer weight, it also includes weight of 90% capacity of the tank filled with diesel & all the consumables like engine oil, gear oil, etc. at the top-up level. It also includes the weight of the crew members. ULW is also known as kerb weight.

Q. How to find the unladen weight (ULW) ?

A. Mathematically, ULW = GVW- Payload

cowl unladen weight
cabin unladen weight
fbv unladen weight

Q. What is the importance of unladen weight ?

A. Following are the importance of unladen weight :

B. Payload

Q. What is payload ?

A. The payload is the load which a vehicle can carry legally. Mathematically, it is arrived by deducting ULW from GVW/GCW of a vehicle. Since 2015, Govt. Has also allowed the carriage of 5% in excess of registered GVW/GCW. Payload is also known as rated load.

Q. How to find payload ?

A. Mathematically,

Payload of a truck = GVW (Gross vehicle weight) - ULW (Unladen weight)

Payload of a tractor trailer= GCW (Gross combination weight) - (Unladen weight of the tractor + Unladen weight of the trailer)


Q. What is the importance of payload ?

A. Following are the importance of payload :

C. GVW- Gross Vehicle Weight

Q. What is Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) ?

A. Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) is the combined weight of every axle placed under the chassis, where each axle has a designated rating as per CMVR (Central Motor Vehicle Rules).

Q. How to find the Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) ?

A. Mathematically, Gross vehicle weight = Unladen weight + Payload


Q. What is the role of Gross Vehicle Weight ?

A. Following are the roles of Gross Vehicle Weight for commercial vehicle :

D. GCW- Gross Combination Weight

Q. What is Gross Combination Weight (GCW) ?

A. GCW is combined weight of every axle placed under the tractor & the trailer, where each axle has a designated rating as per CMVR.

Q. How to find Gross Combination Weight (GCW) ?

A. Mathematically, Gross combination weight = GVW of the tractor + GVW of the trailer


Q. What is the role of Gross Combination Weight ?

A. Following are the roles of Gross Combination Weight :

E. Tonnage Categories

Q. What are the categories of commercial vehicles in India ?

A. Based on least to highest GVW, there are multiple categories of commercial vehicles in India.

Table of categories of commercial vehicle in India

GVW ≤ 3.5 Ton N1 N 1A
3.5 Ton < GVW ≤ 7.5 Ton N2 N 2A
7.5 ton < GVW ≤ 12 Ton N2 N 2B
12 Ton < GVW ≤ 18.5 Ton N3 2 Axle Rigid N 3A
18.5 Ton < GVW ≤ 28 Ton N3 Multi Axle Rigid N 3B
28 Ton < GVW ≤ 49 Ton N3 Multi Axle Rigid N 3C
30 Ton < GCW ≤ 55 Ton N3 Multi Axle Rigid N3 Tractor

Tonnage Categorization Table as per OEMs

Upto 3.5 Ton SCV Small Commercial Vehicle
3.5 Ton < GVW ≤ 8 Ton LCV Light Commercial Vehicle
8 Ton < GVW ≤ 16.02 Ton ICV Intermediate Commercial Vehicle
18.5 Ton GVW MCV Medium Commercial Vehicle
28 Ton < GVW ≤ 49 Ton MAV Multi Axle Vehicle
30 Ton < GCW ≤ 55 Ton TT Tractor Trailer

* 18.5 Ton - 55 Ton comes under M&HCV segment

F. Axle

Q. What is an axle?

A. The axle is an aggregate on which wheels are mounted. Each set of the axle has a predefined tonnage rating as per CMVR.

Q. Axle rating by CMVR

A. Below is the illustration of axle types & their rating for M&HCV as per CMVR

cowl unladen weight
cabin unladen weight
fbv unladen weight
cowl unladen weight
cabin unladen weight

G. M&HCV Tonnage Configuration

Q. What is the full form of M&HCV?

A. The full form of M&HCV is Medium & Heavy Commercial Vehicle.

Q. How to configure medium & heavy commercial vehicles (M&HCV) on the basis of tonnage ?

A. Tonnage configuration for M&HCV is the combined weight of all the axles placed under the chassis, where each axle has a designated rating as per CMVR.

Rigid Trucks

19 ton truck
28 ton truck
35 ton truck
42 ton truck pusher
42 ton truck tag
48 ton truck
49 ton truck tag

Tractor Trailers

30 ton tt
40 ton tt
46 ton tt
50 ton tt
51 ton tt
52 ton tt
53 ton tt
54 ton tt
55 ton tt 4x2
55 ton tt 6x4

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